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No Weeknotes this week. My heart wears the black armband of mourning, yet it’s for a tragedy shared by less than half of my country. I don’t really know how to process that, so that’s all I’m going to say for now. Instead, please allow me to direct you to something that brings me a great sense of pride.
River Notes: May 24, 2024
Friday, May 24
10:50 A.M. - I finish strapping my kayak onto the roof rack of my little hatchback which looks very sporty in summer mode. When I install them in the spring, the distinctive Yakima JayHooks poke up just enough to help me locate my car in grocery store parking lots. I also like to imagine they add an air of mystery or at least suggest to passersby that the person who drives this economy car is still sporty and adventurous even if they no longer own a Jeep.