Last Known Address
No Weeknotes this week. My heart wears the black armband of mourning, yet it’s for a tragedy shared by less than half of my country. I don’t really know how to process that, so that’s all I’m going to say for now. Instead, please allow me to direct you to something that brings me a great sense of pride.

Weeknotes: October 28 - November 1, 2024
Monday, October 28
I had a good hair day yesterday. Even better, I was at a party and friends witnessed it. You hate to waste a good hair day. Today, my second cup of coffee tastes like spring, though it's not even November yet. A lot of seasons still to cycle through. On WCBN it's clearly spooky season. Shriekback, Bauhaus, 45 Grave. It's a nice little commute and I pull into campus with Peter Murphy hurling Latin incantations out my windows.
Later I light a fire and start triaging which potted plants will come inside for the winter. Wearing leather work gloves, I use tweezers to carefully extract dead leaves that have blown into my mess of cacti. I like winterizing a yard, it's satisfying work. I say goodbye to RR who moves out Apt. 2 tomorrow, taking Pretzel with her. I've become very fond of that little three-legged cat.
Weeknotes: June 10-14, 2024
Monday, June 10
Morning Glory Report
This year’s varieties:
Heavenly Blue
Celestial Mixed
Flying Saucers
Scarlet O'Hara
Seeds Sown (Indoors): April 10
Seedlings Planted (Outdoors): April 30
Flying Saucers are this year's overachiever, the first to reach the fencetop summit. The plant is split between two vertical trainers with one vine about 4" ahead of the other. The Celestials are in hot pursuit with thicker, hairier vines that are maybe 6" from the summit. Heavenly Blues' slender vines are about ⅔ up the twine with Scarlet O'Hara having only just begun her climb.
I say it's not a contest, but I go out and check their progress every morning, a favorite summer ritual that's about to be paired with A.M. raspberry picking. With nowhere to else go, the Saucers are about to become airborn, flaunting their windblown freedom. I spend an hour stringing up aerial trainers from the fencetop to eye hooks on the side of the nearby shed. If they continue to grow well, it will create a woven green trellis above the evolving Fronds Lounge.
An Anniversary
This festive, distorted video was shot exactly 20 years ago at Jacoby’s, a German bar in Detroit’s Bricktown neighborhood. Back then, in the thick of our artistic heyday, we would never have used the term "rebrand," but that's what it was. February 21, 2004 marked the first gig by Great Lakes Myth Society, the band who for seven years prior had operated as the Original Brothers and Sisters of Love (TOBASOL, colloquially).